Friday, May 23, 2008


I had all sorts of grand ideas about this blog when Allison and I decided to set it up in March, but I have been slackin, and all sorts of family and friends have reprimanded me for keeping them in the dark regarding Baby to be Named Later (BTBNL). So, to give a quick update, we have not chosen a name for the baby yet. I am convinced that we are having a girl because of how mild the pregnancy has been. Allison has not even been sick. As a matter of fact, I doubt people would even know she was pregnant if it wasn't for the volleyball-sized bump that once was her stomach. We have discussed the name Brinkley if it is a girl, and I am trying to convince Allison that Shaquielle, Griffey, Amare, and Kobe are good names for a middle class white boy in the event we have a son (if he has a good name, maybe he'll be a good athlete?). BTBNL seems to be doing fine health-wise, and after the next doctor appointment on May 27, we will give another BTBNL update.

As for Alli and me, we are doing fine. Thanks to the miracle of the internet and cable TV, I have been able to watch most of the Red Sox games this season. Allison has been trying to choose a breed of dog for us to adopt, as if we don't have enough animals running around our yard. Last week we decided to undertake a complete kitchen remodel. We bought our house last August, and we have been barely surviving without a dishwasher. You gotta love these older homes. So, we gutted the kitchen to the studs and started over, doing most of the work ourselves. We hired a handyman to re-route our plumbing to the dishwasher and to install a 220 volt outlet, and everything went smoothly, except our 220 outlet is only pushing 140 volts. 140 volts is not enough to power an oven or stove, so we are waiting for our contractor to get a sec to comeback and fix it. Thanks goodness for microwaves and Taco Time. But, the kitchen looks amazing now and we are very happy with the results. We also got news that Logan was the 8th highest metro area for home appreciation last year, so we're feeling good about the house. We'll put pics up soon....

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